Gutter Cleaning in Old Bridge Protects You

Gutter cleaning in Old Bridge, gutter clogged with leaves shown being cleaned out by a gloved hand

Many people know that cleaning your gutters is important, but not many people know why.  Yes, it is essential that you keep your gutters clean for them to function appropriately.  What is not understood is the level of damage your home can sustain if you neglect this chore.  Your home can be subject to damage so severe that it may affect your foundation.  Any slight crack or impairment in your foundation can lead to costly repairs and further damage to your home.  Not only does keeping your gutters clean protect your home, it protects its residents as well. Hiring a reliable company to complete your gutter cleaning in Old Bridge job is a great step in keeping your home safe.

Problems of Clogged Gutters

There are some obvious issues that occur from allowing your gutters to remain clogged.  If you are seeing water rain down out and over the trough of your gutters instead of it running out the downspout, it’s time to call in a team that performs gutter cleaning in Old Bridge.

Landscape Damage

When water is not able to travel properly through your gutter troughs, immediate damage can be seen in your landscape.  The priority of gutters is to guide water away from your home.  If you fail to have your gutters cleaned, water is not able to flow properly through the system.  When gutters get blocked with debris, water builds up in the troughs and forms a waterfall effect over the top edge.  When this happens, instead of water being led away from your home via the downspout, it cascades with significant pressure onto your landscape.  No matter if it is a garden bed or grass, that constant barrage of water negatively affects landscape greatly.  From washing away protective mulch to damaging flowers and trees, keeping your gutters clean avoids these problems all together.

Foundation Cracks

No matter the size of your home, your foundation is so important.  Without adequate gutter drainage, water can pool on the outside of your home which will eventually lead to erosion.  This erosion can weaken walls and can result in cracks, buckling, and settling of your foundation and home.  That settling can lead to problems opening and closing doors properly, gaps in window sills, and many other major structural changes in your home. 


Gutters that are clogged are normally filled with leaves, dirt, and grime.  Many insects and pests enjoy these conditions and will move right in.  First and most obvious on the list is mosquitos.  No one finds any pleasure in being in the company of mosquitos.  Avoiding standing water in and around your home is the best way to keep them at bay.  Clogged gutters fill easily with water creating a perfect breeding ground for mosquitos.  The dirt and debris can attract other insects and rodents as well.  Bees and wasps for example like to make their hives in and around gutters as it is.  When you neglect their care, you allow these insects to call your gutters their home putting you and your loved ones at risk of becoming stung.  Allergic reactions to bee and wasp stings are serious and are very common.  Protect those you love by having this task completed by a dependable gutter cleaning in Old Bridge company.

Roof Damage

Clogged gutters can damage your roof in multiple ways.  One being the extra weight of the blocked water in addition to the debris in the gutters can cause gutters to sag and pull away from your roof.  Not only does this damage the gutters, but does real damage to your roof as well. Broken soffits and fascia lead to cracks which directly leads to leaks. Secondly, when water is not diverted away from the roof properly, the constant contact with the edge of your roof can cause rotting.  This can also lead to leaks in your roof which can bring about water damage to the inside of your home.  Another issue with leaks and water damage is mold and mildew.  These problems can induce health problems for anyone living in your home.

Hardscape Issues

Not only can overflowing gutters wreak havoc on your landscaping, it can cause significant damage to your hardscaping as well.  Pooling water of any amount can weaken your walkways and driveway.  This can lead to cracks, shifting, and holes.  These imperfections can damage your vehicle.  More importantly, these flaws create a tripping hazard and slipping dangers from pooling water. Once again, by allowing calling in a company that offers gutter cleaning in Old Bridge, you are protecting your family as well as your residence.

Gutter Cleaning in Old Bridge Benefits

Not only can neglecting cleaning out your gutters cause damage to your home and property, it puts your family at risk of harm as well. From slips, trips, and falls to mold, mildew, and vehicle damage, it seems like an easy decision to call in the professionals that perform gutter cleaning in Old Bridge.  By allowing an experienced company to accomplish this for you, you are ensuring the safety of your home and family.  If you attempt it on your own, you may get clean gutters, but you don’t know what to look for in terms of early warning signs of damage and faulty gutters.  A professional will do a thorough cleaning and full inspection allowing you to feel safe and comfortable that your gutters will perform their job for many years to come.

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