Home Builder Monmouth County is a Priority

Home Builder Monmouth County, Family hugging in front of new home

When it comes to building your own custom home in Monmouth County, there are many things to consider.  It can be overwhelming at times.  Many people think that selecting a plot of land is one of the top priorities for starting the custom home building journey.  We disagree.  In reality, we feel the top three things to consider and select are your budget, your time frame, and the best home builder Monmouth County has to offer.  We found that Monetti Custom Homes can certainly be described as just that, the best. With almost 75 years of experience of delivering quality, elegant custom homes, you can’t find much better.


This is priority number one.  Money rules all right?  In this case, yes, it does.  Knowing what your budget is will affect every single decision you have to make in the home building process. From picking a plot of land to deciding on design finishes, the cost of everything matters for each and every selection.  Before you even begin thinking about building a custom home, you are going to need to figure out how much you are working with for your budget.  Some things to consider are land, fees and taxes, permits, architect, and landscaping.  However, that is just a small percentage of the costs associated with building your own home.  This is why one of the other top priorities we feel is finding the right builder.  With their experience, they can help you appropriately estimate many aspects of the home building process.  By being more accurate with your budget, it can help you avoid running out of money towards the end of the project.

Pick a Home Builder in Monmouth County

A good builder will build you a house.  A great builder will build you a home.  When you select the perfect home builder in Monmouth County, the end result will always be worth all the time and money. Building your own home can be a daunting task to say the least.  When you partner with the best home builder Monmouth County has, the whole process becomes a lot more manageable. They can help you navigate the entire journey helping you to avoid common pitfalls. They know this process inside and out so there is no better resource for you than your builder.  However, if you want to put all your trust in your builder, you better be sure to select the right one.

One other important factor to consider when speaking with potential builders is how much do they listen to you?  When you discuss your ideas, do they seem receptive? Or do they substitute what you want with what they would rather do instead?  When your brand-new custom home is complete, you want to know that all your dreams are fulfilled. The last feeling you want to feel when you walk into your completed home for the first time is disappointment.  Many builders have preferred methods and materials that they may try to push or persuade you to use which may alter your visions of your home.  You want to be able to trust your builder to have the same goal as you do.  To make your vision of your home a reality. 

The Timeline

When you first decide to start out on the journey that is building a custom home, you will need to consider your timeline. 

  • Are there any major personal events coming up?  Think about the next year of your life and what major events are happening.  If you are expecting a baby, you’ll have to figure out how to work that into your timeline so you will be available for everything associated with that.
  • How will inclement weather affect the timeline? If you live in a particularly cold or snowy environment, you might have to add a significant amount of wiggle room in your timeline.  This will help account for building delays due to weather.
  • When will you list your current home and will that be directly affected by the completion date of your new home? If you are renting when you start building your new home, you need to try have the end of your lease and the completion of your new home be as close as possible.  If you currently own, you’ll have to decide how quickly you want to get out of your current home.  Also, you’ll need to decide when to list your current home to hopefully have the closing line up with the finalization of the new home.

There are so many things to think about when it comes to planning your timeline.  Working with the ideal home builder Monmouth County provides is essential so you can plan appropriately.

Many Things Depend on Picking the Top Home Builder Monmouth County Has

While a list of priorities for similar tasks can vary greatly from person to person, when it comes to building a custom home, priority number one should always be selecting the best home builder. Anything less will put your dream in jeopardy. If you’re looking for the best home builder Monmouth County can offer, look no further than Monetti Custom Homes.  With experience, caring, expertise, and quality, they will help bring your dream to fruition.  When you walk in the front door of your beautiful custom home for the first time, you’ll know you’re home.

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