Buy Evolution Seed to Be the Envy of All Your Neighbors

Buy Evolution Seed by Branch Creek - product image shown on picutre of green lawn being mowed by push mower

Owning a home can be time consuming, expensive, and hard work. There is always something to fix, upgrade, or replace. If you are looking for an easy way to give yourself the greenest yard in the neighborhood, start with Evolution grass seed. This seed is non-GMO, Blue Tag certified, and meets the standards for A-List approval. In addition to all these positive qualities, it works! According to the Branch Creek website “Evolution grass seed is the first stop to creating a beautiful sustainable lawn that not only looks great, but also works in unison with Mother Nature.” Having a lawn that will be the envy of all your neighbors has never been easier. Contact a trusted Branch Creek Partner like Tech Terra Environmental to buy Evolution seed plus many more ecologically friendly turf care materials.

A Great Lawn Starts with the Soil

No matter what products you use to fertilize and maintain your lawn, if your soil is missing something, you’ll never achieve that perfect lawn. Soil health is crucial to the success of your turf. The first step in determining your soil health is to have your soil tested by a local soil testing facility. Alternatively, a lot of home improvement and hardware stores carry an at-home soil testing kit. Depending on your location your soil can be sandy, silty, or have a large amount of clay. But all soil is a combination of living and dead matter, mineral, water, and air. Certain mineral levels and the pH level of your soil can be very important to the success or a key factor in the failure of your lawn. Once testing is done, you now know what amendments need to be made to your soil. Healthy soil makes healthy lawns.

Soil Helps Plants, But Plants Also Help Soil

Soil health can be regulated with the planting of the right plants. The roots of grasses and plants improve soil condition, while the soil is supporting the plants. Roots help by providing the soil with organic matter because they decompose easily. Also, a healthy lawn with a healthy root system helps diminish soil erosion. Using A-List seeds also helps your soil because these grasses require less chemicals to survive. If your lawn requires the use of chemicals to look healthy, you must consider that you are also poisoning your soil. As a result, you’ll need to use more chemicals to keep your lawn healthy because your soil is very unhealthy. This is the cycle of pesticide use. The more you use, the more you need to use. On the other hand, a good quality seed that improves your soil health results in a healthy lawn that requires less maintenance.

Buy Evolution Seed to Start on the Right Path

The importance of using a good quality grass seed like Evolution grass seed is how successfully these grasses grow with such little interference. One of the ways Evolution seed does this is with its Paleo seed treatment. This helps establish better roots and improves germination rate. Also, it meets the standards for A-List approval. Any product that meets these standards require less maintenance. This means the addition of less water and reduced usage of fertilizers and pesticides.  Ideally, the use of no pesticides would be a lawn goal, but there are pesticides that are so safe that the EPA doesn’t require them to register. As a part of a regenerative turf system, products including Evolution seed substitutes the use of pesticides and fertilizers with the need for less input and safer alternatives. At the same time, your soil’s natural balance is cultivated.

Organic Turf isn’t What it Used to Be

Buy Evolution seed for a lawn as grren as the one in this backyard picture showing a small patio on the back of a green house.

Many homeowners used to shy away from gardening organically. For a few reasons including price and time. So many assumed that using ecologically friendly gardening products required a lot more time to maintain your lawn. We now know the opposite is true. And while these products did used to be more expensive, because they are becoming more popular, they are also more affordable. It has never been more apparent that our uses of chemicals and pesticides are doing much more harm than originally thought. The more lawn growers that commit to growing a lawn without the use of pesticides or fertilizers, the healthier the soil will be.  The more green, healthy lawns we grow, the more carbon that is pulled out of the atmosphere. For the best, most healthy lawn on the block, buy Evolution seed.

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