White and black floorplan from home builder Monmouth County with pencil laying on top

Room Layout Advice from Home Builder Monmouth County

The average person only lives in a handful of different houses in their lifetime. Most of these homes are not custom homes and may have very similar floor plans. If you ever get to design and build your own custom home, room placement is a choice you get to make. You get to decide where your laundry room goes and if you want the bedrooms together or separated among so many other options. Being that most people only have experience with a handful of layout options, a home builder Monmouth County is a great resource. They have probably seen just about every array of rooms that you could imagine. What this also means is that they have the best and the worst and what works and what doesn’t. Your choice of builder is the most important step you’ll take on your custom home building journey.

Should I Put the Laundry Room Downstairs or Upstairs?

Woman holding laundry basket filled with unfolded clothes with a confused look on her face

The best location for your laundry room is a highly disputed topic. Is it best in the basement? Do you prefer it on the ground floor? Have you ever considered putting the laundry room upstairs? The size of your house and the number of household residents are two things that have a lot to do with where the laundry room should go.

The basement used to be the most common location for a laundry room. This location was chosen previously for one main reason, noise. Older washing machines and dryers used to be very loud and they vibrated a lot. The commotion the machines made forced many people to relegate the laundry to the basement for the least amount of disturbance. This can be tough if you do a lot of laundry. Lugging loads of laundry up and down multiple flights of stairs multiple times a day makes the basement a bad choice for large families.

Nowadays, however, these appliances are much less disruptive meaning laundry rooms can be put where ever the homeowner prefers. Some homes even have laundry rooms on top floors of homes which used to be very taboo. Because the appliances have improved so much on noise and vibration reduction, laundry rooms can be put on second and third floors without shaking the rest of the house.

Where to put the laundry room is a personal choice that should be given serious consideration. Ask your home builder Monmouth County firm for their opinion. They have probably built homes with laundry rooms on every floor and have seen the result of each choice.

Home Builder Monmouth County Reviews Split Bedroom Layout

Typically, all bedrooms are in a group in one area of a home. This type of layout can be found in most ranch style homes and many two-story homes where bedrooms are all located on the second floor. Just as the location of the laundry room has opened up, choices of where bedrooms are located in a house are just about endless. In a split-bedroom layout, homeowners have a master bedroom or suite on one side of the house and other bedrooms on the other side or other floors. Young families are often the ones building new custom homes. With young children, parents often want them close by and group all the bedrooms in one location. The trouble is, these young kids will eventually become noisy teenagers and the closeness of bedrooms can become a negative. The solution is a layout with rooms that can adapt as your family changes.

Trust Your Home Builder Monmouth County Crew

White and black floorplan from home builder Monmouth County with pencil laying on top

While it can be enticing to include many unique details in your custom home, the big drawback is that it can make the home difficult to resell. Including things like wine cellars and walk-in humidors has become more common. But that doesn’t mean that every person wants it in their house. Nobody wants to ever think about selling the home they custom designed. But it can and does happen so considering future situations is important. Rooms that can transition into different rooms as your family’s needs change are ideal. Most home builders in Monmouth County are very familiar with designing floorplans that can conform to families in different stages. These crews have seen every possible arrangement and location of rooms. They are familiar with the pros and cons of each and every decision. For a trusted resource on your custom home floorplan, talk to your home builder Monmouth County.

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