Multiple species of grass seed are included when you buy Evolution seed

For Cool Season Grass Seed Buy Evolution Seed

Seeding a lawn is not as easy as buying whatever popular brand seed, throwing it down, and watering it. To achieve a healthy, lush, resilient lawn, a lot of though needs to go into just what type of seed is being used. Location is the number one thing that affects what types of grasses are best. This is due to details such as temperature and precipitation. For example, if you live in New Jersey, your growing zone ranges from 6a to 7b while Florida goes from 8a to 10b. The growing zones are based on temperatures and the lower the number, the lower the temperature. When it comes to selecting a grass seed, most are divided into two categories: cool season and warm season. Once you know your average temperature, you can choose a better seed. If you’re looking for the perfect cool season grass seed, buy Evolution seed.

Cool Season Grasses

Cool season grasses don’t only grow in cold weather. What this term means is that these grasses can withstand large fluctuations in temperatures including very cold winters. Where other grasses can’t survive the drop in temperatures many areas experience during winter, cool season grasses are well suited to endure such weather. Cool season grasses grow best between 60-75°F, but can handle much higher temperatures as well. Areas that experience all four seasons that use cool season grasses will notice they’re lawns are most active in the spring and fall when temperatures are idea. Examples of cool season grasses include Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, perennial ryegrass, and fine fescue. The best, most success grass seeds include a combination of seeds rather than just one type.

Kentucky bluegrass is a wildly popular grass seed. This is because it rates right down the middle of the common grass characteristics. It is equally tolerant of things like drought, shade, temperature fluctuations, and foot-traffic.

Tall Fescue is used in many seed blends due to its deep root system. In addition to its strong roots and deep green color, this seed is highly tolerant of cold temperatures, hot temperatures, and drought.

Perennial Ryegrass is a bunch grass with a quick germination time. While it rates lower on the tolerance scales in many aspects, the speed with which it grows makes it a popular inclusion in retail grass seeds for the instant gratification.

Fine Fescue is a neighborhood friendly grass due to its ability to grow in shady settings. Also, just as ryegrass, fescues grow fast which is why you’ll find it in many seed mixes.

What are You Buying When You Buy Evolution Seed?

Multiple species of grass seed are included when you buy Evolution seed

Regardless of what grass seed you are buying, you should always know what’s in the bag. Reading grass seed labels aren’t as confusing as they might first appear. Let’s take a closer look at what’s on the label. At the top is typically the product name, in our case, Branch Creek Evolution Grass Seed Mixture. Next, is a chart showing what types of seed are included, the percentage of that seed in the bag, the germination percentage, and the origin. When you buy Evolution seed you get:

39.55%       Grande 3 Tall Fescue               90%     WA

24.70%       Rebounder Tall Fescue           90%     WA     

15.05%        Fayette Tall Fescue                 90%     OR

09.93%       Replicator Perennial Ryegrass     90%     MN

09.85%       SR2284 Kentucky Bluegrass    85%     WA

Other ingredients listed on grass seed labels are other crop seeds, inert matter, other weeds, and noxious weed seeds. Evolution grass seeds label shows these percentages as 00.00%, 0.92%, 00.00%, and None Found respectively. Grass seed labels should also list the testing date, testing location, and a sell by date.  

Buy Evolution Seed for Cool Season Use

When it comes to cool season grasses, there are none better than Evolution seed. When you buy Evolution seed are committing to improving your soil as well as your turf. Using a combination of products that all work in conjunction to maintain a healthy soil biome allows turf managers to completely eliminate the use of chemicals. Branch Creek’s Regenerative Turf System™ is so good for the earth, it actually pulls carbon out of the air. This seed blend is great for a new lawn or overseeding. It is so tolerant of negative environmentals, it’s hard not to grow a successful lawn when you buy Evolution seed.

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