Tools your Manahawkin dentist uses

When you go to the dentist in Manahawkin NJ, you’ll inevitably see that tray filled with all the different types of tools that they are going to use in your mouth.  Just the sights and sounds of the dentist are enough to keep some people away from the dentist for long periods of time.  However, if you keep up with your regular visits to the dentist, each examination and cleaning should be discomfort free and keep your smile in great shape.  Perhaps if more people were familiar with each tool, what it does, and what it is used for, they wouldn’t be so fearful of their trips to the dentist.

We recommend Bayside Dentistry for those searching for a dentist in Manahawkin NJ.

Dental tools Manahawkin dentist, Manahawkin dentist tools in blue hue

Mouth mirror – This is a pretty self-explanatory item.  It is a mirror that staff uses to be able to visually examine all areas of your mouth without having to ask you to sit in an uncomfortable position.

Probe – One of the scarier looking tools that is located on the dental tray.  It has a long handle with a sharp hook on the end.  While it may be terrifying to look at, it is an essential tool that helps dentists investigate the spaces in between teeth, check for cavities, further examine any cavities found, and remove plaque and tartar from the surface of your teeth.

Suction – This can also be called a saliva extractor, which may be a more descriptive name.  Your dentist will use this during your exam since you will mostly be unable to rid your mouth of saliva regularly.  It is also used during procedures that involve water and you will be asked to close your lips around the tube to help the extractor rid your mouth of the accumulated water.

Dental burr – Another one of the tools that may cause anxiety upon sight.  This tool comes in a variety of shapes and sizes but is generally used to cut through your teeth in preparation for the treatment of a cavity.

Drill – The tool most associated with the terrifying sounds of the dentist.  Used to remove areas of decay on a tooth in order to prepare it for a filling, it operates at a high rate of speed and also uses water in order to keep the tool cool.  Without the water, the drill could actually damage your teeth.  Typically, if your dentist is using a drill in your mouth, you will receive some sort of numbing agent or anesthesia.

Scaler – You are not going to get out of a dental exam without them using a scaler on your teeth.  An essential tool in the kit of every dentist, scalers are used to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth.  While regular daily brushing and flossing remove a majority of food and bacteria from your mouth, it is inevitable to have some buildup. 

Without routine dental care, the plaque and tartar can eat away at your teeth causing decay and cavities.   If you practice good oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly, your dental exam may be far from enjoyable but should be a cinch to handle.

We hope that now you understand the purpose of each tool, they will be a little less frightening the next time your Manahawkin dentist approaches your mouth with one. 


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